Rockefeller Brothers Fund


The Rockefeller Brothers Fund advances social change that contributes to a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world.

Each year, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund is required by law to distribute 5% of its endowment for charitable purposes. Over the past decade, RBF has been working to align the rest of their portfolio with their mission of creating a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world. During this period, the Fund’s efforts to implement mission-aligned investing policies have evolved and deepened, and the Fund has implemented a series of steps over a multiyear timeframe. Rockefeller Brothers Fund divested from fossil fuels and wrote a case study of its progress and results: Investing in Our Mission: A Five-Year Case Study of Fossil Fuel Divestment at the Rockefeller Brothers Fund

The Fund’s Mission-Aligned Investment Efforts statement details their selection of market-grade impact investments that advance our mission and program initiatives, as well as the larger strategy of mission-aligned investments, whereby they seek full alignment between our portfolio and the Fund’s mission. This mission-aligned investment lens includes divesting from fossil fuels, investing using environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, and leveraging their role as a shareholder in strategic ways to advance our mission.


Additional Resources:

Our Commitment to Support Diversity in the Investment Sector | March 2020

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