Make an impact by voting your proxies in line with your endowment's ESG mandates using As You Vote -- a new ESG aligned proxy voting service.

As You Sow, Broadridge, The Intentional Endowments Network (IEN), and Confluence Philanthropy are partnering to offer this service -- which simplifies proxy voting and empowers endowments and other institutional investors to vote their proxies in line with their ESG mandates, using a time and cost efficient platform with optional customization. 

All shareholders have the right to vote their proxies, but it is an underutilized process among higher education endowments. Proxy voting is an important tool that endowments can utilize to make an impact, influencing corporate policy on issues like climate change, racial justice, political spending, gender equality, and toxins in the food system. Influencing these corporations has immense impact, as corporate decisions influence policy, supply chains, livelihoods, cultures, and markets on a global scale.

As You Vote is a rules-based ESG proxy voting system hosted on Broadridge’s ProxyEdge platform. After you sign up, your proxy statement is auto-filled by As You Sow and submitted via ProxyEdge. Nothing else is required, but subscribers can easily change any ballot item prior to auto-submission, and a voting report will indicate whether the ballot was customized.

Using As You Vote costs $15 per equity, with a $1,500 minimum. These fees are efficient and competitive with other services, and profits are split between As You Sow, IEN, and Confluence Philanthropy -- funding ESG peer-learning and implementation. 




For more information, watch the videos below, and reach out to [email protected] with any questions.

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