IEN Webinar - The Ins and Outs of Designing a Racial Equity Portfolio

Date: May 13, 2021, 1-2pm ET 

How can investors be part of a solution to racial equality? Come join us for an introduction to Natixis AIA Racial Equity Portfolios, developed in partnership with JUST Capital and Anthony Rust, Consultant and IEN Board Member, aiming to avoid or divest from companies that cause, contribute to, exploit or profit from racial injustice.

Investors have a key role to play to bring about racial equity by steering capital towards companies that embrace diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). A growing body of evidence also points to how companies that are leaders in DEI outperform their peers. Natixis will speak to how they relied on the expertise of NGOs and advocacy organizations to align themselves to the realities of our changing society and identified opportunities that came with this broadened scope of analysis that’s overlooked by many investors.

Through this webinar, participants will come away with an understanding of:

  • Why investing in companies that incorporate DEI and away from companies with business models that perpetuate racial inequities make financial sense
  • What an approach that focuses on investing in companies that factor in the economic power of underrepresented populations looks like in practice
  • How you can be a more socially conscious investor too



  • Victor Howell, Vice President, Natixis Investment Managers
  • Lorraine Spradley Wilson, Managing Director, Investment Products, JUST Capital
  • Anthony Rust, Consultant / IEN Board Member






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