Sign-on to Investor Statements

Periodically investor groups coordinate public statements or letters in support of various initiatives or policies related to ESG issues and other materials investment considerations. IEN shares these statements here as opportunities for endowments to add their names and offer support, at their own discretion. 

If you have any questions or would like more information on / to be connected with the organizer(s) of any opportunities below, reach out to [email protected]

2023 Proxy Resolutions and Voting Guides

The 2023 corporate annual general meeting season has begun, and that means it's time to vote your proxy ballots. Votes in favor of shareholder resolutions in the double digits are very successful in focusing management and investor attention on issues. 

2023 Proxy Preview - Review

  • The spring 2023 U.S. proxy season saw 335 votes on shareholder proposals asking for disclosure and action on environmental, social, and related corporate governance (ESG) issues. More than two dozen proposals are still pending. Review this resource (and the associated webinar) for key findings from this year's engagement season.

Proxy Preview

ICCR 2023 Resolutions Tracker

Climate Action 100+ Related Shareholder Engagements

Majority Action Proxy Voting Guide

Ceres Engagement Tracker

Ongoing Sign-On Opportunities

Sign the Belonging Pledge: Commit to Advancing Racial Equity 

IEN is pleased to partner with Confluence Philanthropy to support the Belonging Pledge. The events of spring 2020 will be chronicled as the next milestone in the fight for racial justice and equality. A global pandemic, resulting in unemployment for 40 million Americans, followed by yet another brutal death at the hands of police officers set off a wave of protests and civil unrest in more than 75 U.S. cities. In response, Confluence Members and partnering investor networks launched a pledge for racial equity.

Due Diligence 2.0

Join asset owners, consultants, and financial intermediaries to commit to moving your capital to BIPOC managers. Sign on here

EndowmentWatch Pledge 

Join other endowments in increasing the assets under management for people of color and women owned firms through disclosure and working with your investment consultants and managers. Make the pledge here

Statement: Investors release statement of solidarity and call to action to address systemic racism

A group of investors from the Racial Justice Investing (RJI) Coalition have released a statement of solidarity and call to action to address systemic racism. The statement acknowledges the roots of systemic racism and the responsibilities of the investment community, and identifies specific strategies our community can use to dismantle systemic racism. Read the full statement and sign on to signal your support.




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