The DOL’s New Approach to ESG: What Does It Mean for the Investment Community

Currently, nonprofit institutions offer limited ESG investing options in their retirement plans with less than 3% of employee retirement savings plans include climate-friendly investing options. This has been despite substantial evidence that ESG strategies can reduce risk and enhance long-term investment performance. Concerns about fiduciary duty are often cited as a barrier for these institutions to offer these options.

A new proposed rule from the U.S. Department of Labor would open the way for retirement plan sponsors to include more sustainable options in their saving plans by enabling fiduciaries to consider climate and other ESG factors when selecting investments and exercising shareholder rights while continuing to uphold fundamental fiduciary obligations. 

This webinar is intended to help clarify how plan sponsors and trustees can consider sustainable investing strategies related to their fiduciary duties in light of the new proposed rules. Join us for an informative and interactive webinar comprised of top experts on the state of fiduciary duty for defined contribution plans in the United States to learn how your institution could provide retirement funds that reflect both the mission of your organization and the values of your employees.

In this session, participants will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the impact of the proposed rules on ESG investment opportunities
  • Hear about how the rule change is viewed by the investment service community



  • Keith Johnson, Former Partner, Head of Institutional Investor Legal Service, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren
  • Bradford Campbell, Partner at Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
  • Bill Slimbaugh, Managing Director, Natixis
  • Michael Rhim, Principal, PRM Consulting – The IEN Guide to Sustainable Retirements



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