2024 Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit
Building Solidarity for Equitable Climate Action

The annual Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit was hosted by the Intentional Endowments Network and Second Nature hosted their annual Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit in Long Beach, CA from February 11-13th, 2024.
Over 450 changemakers dedicated to advancing sustainability through higher education gathered to learn and exchange ideas over the course of this three-day conference. University presidents, sustainability directors, students, endowment decision makers, were among those engaged in the Summit’s 35 total sessions and numerous networking opportunities. Below is a summary of the critical conversations facilitated at the Summit with a community of attendees advancing a just transition to a regenerative economy and sustainable world.
Attendees Connected with 450+ PeersAttendees included Higher Education Leaders in the following roles:
10 Ways We Centered JusticeAdvancing climate justice by holding space for important conversations, connections and plans to take place -- inspiring and facilitating actions in support of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, is a deeply valued and shared mission between IEN and Second Nature. Learn more about how we centered justice throughout the 2024 Summit in Long Beach, CA here. |
Thank You to Our Partners & Sponsors
We deeply appreciate the partners and sponsors of the 2024 Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit for their support, helping to drive the adoption of new strategies to reduce direct climate impacts of higher education institutions and inform endowment investing strategies that accelerate a just transition to a carbon-neutral economy.
Thank you for your climate leadership and support of the critical movement-building efforts of IEN and Second Nature.
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