We believe in the power of collaborative action in order to build the field of sustainable investing among endowed institutions. Learn more about the organizations with which IEN partners:
The United Nations-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance is an international group of institutional investors delivering on a bold commitment to transition our investment portfolios to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. IEN is a Supporting Partner of the Alliance, supporting our Network in making Net Zero Portfolio commitments, and working with the Alliance to help investors implement such commitments.
For a larger list of other organizations working in the field of sustainable investing and endowment management, visit the Organizations in Our Field page of our Resource Library.
IEN's Funders
We are tremendously grateful for the following funders -- past and present -- for providing grants to the Crane Institute of Sustainability in support of the Intentional Endowments Network and for their partnership in advancing our mission to help endowed institutions address climate risk and support a thriving, just, and sustainable society through mission-align investing.
Claudia and Peter Kinder Charitable Fund