Honoring Felicia Davis, the inaugural recipient of the In...
Honoring Felicia Davis, the inaugural recipient of the Intentional Endowments Network Leadership Award!
Celebrating Black Impact Investing Professionals: Black H...
Celebrating Black Impact Investing Professionals Black History Month Edition Four Black sustainable finance professionals in our network share their experiences in both the impact investing and traditional finance industries.
Summary of 2023 Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit
IEN and Second Nature’s 2023 Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit IEN and Second Nature’s annual Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit was hosted at the University of Miami, and took place February 5-7, 2023. The 300+ attendees included college and university presidents, trustees, endowment stakeholders, sustainability staff, and businesses and firms supporting sustainable investing, procurement, and operations.
The Crane Institute of Sustainability Receives Grant from...
Funding will support the development of an ‘Endowment Impact Benchmark’ to support endowments in reporting and celebrating progress on sustainable investing and to encourage the adoption of emerging impact standards.
The Intentional Endowments Network Expands Steering Commi...
Press Release updated on Feb 13, 2023 Cornelia Horner, Kunle Apampa, George Suttles, Amita Schultes, and Geri Melchiorre to advise on the Intentional Endowments Network’s strategic direction.
Breckinridge's Tim Coffin Brings Fixed Income and ESG Exp...
The Intentional Endowments Network has welcomed Tim Coffin, Head of Strategic Partnerships Sustainability Committee Chair at Breckinridge, to its Net Zero Endowments Steering Committee
10 Student Teams Enter 2023 Corporate Engagement Challenge!
We're pleased to announce that 10 students teams from universities across the U.S.have entered the Intentional Endowments Network‘s (IEN) Student Corporate Engagement Challenge. Teams of three to five undergraduate and graduate students will showcase their skills in sustainable investing and shareholder advocacy throughout the Challenge.
Event Summary: IEN Climate Week Roundtable
On September 22nd at NYC’s Javits Center, IEN hosted an Institutional Investor Roundtable, a co-located event at The Nest Summit as a part of Climate Week NYC. This half-day event provided a dynamic space for over 120 trustees, endowment stakeholders, asset managers, investment consultants, faculty, and non-profit partners to discuss important topics in the field of sustainable investment, including ESG integration, JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion), and sustainable investment options in retirement plans.
Press Release: Climate Week Announcement: Colleges Pledge...
CLIMATE WEEK ANNOUNCEMENT: COLLEGES PLEDGE SUSTAINABLE RETIREMENT PLANS FOR FACULTY & EMPLOYEES Arizona State, Lewis & Clark, Chatham University Among Colleges Endowments Committing to Sustainable Retirement Plan Options with Renewed Focus on Climate and Social Justice
Investors Push Back on Anti-ESG Political Attacks
Over the past few months, there has been a concerted effort amongst political forces attempting to discredit the use of environmental, social and governance (ESG) information in the investment process via a media campaign and state laws that ban certain investment management firms that have been vocal about the (financial and societal) value of considering issues like climate change and diversity, equity and inclusion in the investment process. The idea of limiting the kinds of data investors can use when making investment decisions is absurd, and these deliberate attempts to do so are dangerous for those who have entrusted the stewardship of their capital to investors that may be hamstrung by these laws. There have been many excellent responses to...
Investors Push Back on Anti-ESG Political Attacks
Over the past few months, there has been a concerted effort amongst political forces attempting to discredit the use of environmental, social and governance (ESG) information in the investment process via a media campaign and state laws that ban certain investment management firms that have been vocal about the (financial and societal) value of considering issues like climate change and diversity, equity and inclusion in the investment process. The idea of limiting the kinds of data investors can use when making investment decisions is absurd, and these deliberate attempts to do so are dangerous for those who have entrusted the stewardship of their capital to investors that may be hamstrung by these laws. There have been many excellent responses to...
Press Release: Climate Week Announcement: Colleges Pledge...
CLIMATE WEEK ANNOUNCEMENT: COLLEGES PLEDGE SUSTAINABLE RETIREMENT PLANS FOR FACULTY & EMPLOYEES Arizona State, Lewis & Clark, Chatham University Among Colleges Endowments Committing to Sustainable Retirement Plan Options with Renewed Focus on Climate and Social Justice
Event Summary: IEN Climate Week Roundtable
On September 22nd at NYC’s Javits Center, IEN hosted an Institutional Investor Roundtable, a co-located event at The Nest Summit as a part of Climate Week NYC. This half-day event provided a dynamic space for over 120 trustees, endowment stakeholders, asset managers, investment consultants, faculty, and non-profit partners to discuss important topics in the field of sustainable investment, including ESG integration, JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion), and sustainable investment options in retirement plans.
10 Student Teams Enter 2023 Corporate Engagement Challenge!
We're pleased to announce that 10 students teams from universities across the U.S.have entered the Intentional Endowments Network‘s (IEN) Student Corporate Engagement Challenge. Teams of three to five undergraduate and graduate students will showcase their skills in sustainable investing and shareholder advocacy throughout the Challenge.
Breckinridge's Tim Coffin Brings Fixed Income and ESG Exp...
The Intentional Endowments Network has welcomed Tim Coffin, Head of Strategic Partnerships Sustainability Committee Chair at Breckinridge, to its Net Zero Endowments Steering Committee
The Intentional Endowments Network Expands Steering Commi...
Press Release updated on Feb 13, 2023 Cornelia Horner, Kunle Apampa, George Suttles, Amita Schultes, and Geri Melchiorre to advise on the Intentional Endowments Network’s strategic direction.
The Crane Institute of Sustainability Receives Grant from...
Funding will support the development of an ‘Endowment Impact Benchmark’ to support endowments in reporting and celebrating progress on sustainable investing and to encourage the adoption of emerging impact standards.
Summary of 2023 Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit
IEN and Second Nature’s 2023 Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit IEN and Second Nature’s annual Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit was hosted at the University of Miami, and took place February 5-7, 2023. The 300+ attendees included college and university presidents, trustees, endowment stakeholders, sustainability staff, and businesses and firms supporting sustainable investing, procurement, and operations.
Celebrating Black Impact Investing Professionals: Black H...
Celebrating Black Impact Investing Professionals Black History Month Edition Four Black sustainable finance professionals in our network share their experiences in both the impact investing and traditional finance industries.
Honoring Felicia Davis, the inaugural recipient of the In...
Honoring Felicia Davis, the inaugural recipient of the Intentional Endowments Network Leadership Award!
10 Student Teams Enter 2023 Corporate Engagement Challenge!
We're pleased to announce that 10 students teams from universities across the U.S.have entered the Intentional Endowments Network‘s (IEN) Student Corporate Engagement Challenge. Teams of three to five undergraduate and graduate students will showcase their skills in sustainable investing and shareholder advocacy throughout the Challenge.
Breckinridge's Tim Coffin Brings Fixed Income and ESG Exp...
The Intentional Endowments Network has welcomed Tim Coffin, Head of Strategic Partnerships Sustainability Committee Chair at Breckinridge, to its Net Zero Endowments Steering Committee
Celebrating Black Impact Investing Professionals: Black H...
Celebrating Black Impact Investing Professionals Black History Month Edition Four Black sustainable finance professionals in our network share their experiences in both the impact investing and traditional finance industries.
Event Summary: IEN Climate Week Roundtable
On September 22nd at NYC’s Javits Center, IEN hosted an Institutional Investor Roundtable, a co-located event at The Nest Summit as a part of Climate Week NYC. This half-day event provided a dynamic space for over 120 trustees, endowment stakeholders, asset managers, investment consultants, faculty, and non-profit partners to discuss important topics in the field of sustainable investment, including ESG integration, JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion), and sustainable investment options in retirement plans.
Honoring Felicia Davis, the inaugural recipient of the In...
Honoring Felicia Davis, the inaugural recipient of the Intentional Endowments Network Leadership Award!
Investors Push Back on Anti-ESG Political Attacks
Over the past few months, there has been a concerted effort amongst political forces attempting to discredit the use of environmental, social and governance (ESG) information in the investment process via a media campaign and state laws that ban certain investment management firms that have been vocal about the (financial and societal) value of considering issues like climate change and diversity, equity and inclusion in the investment process. The idea of limiting the kinds of data investors can use when making investment decisions is absurd, and these deliberate attempts to do so are dangerous for those who have entrusted the stewardship of their capital to investors that may be hamstrung by these laws. There have been many excellent responses to...
Press Release: Climate Week Announcement: Colleges Pledge...
CLIMATE WEEK ANNOUNCEMENT: COLLEGES PLEDGE SUSTAINABLE RETIREMENT PLANS FOR FACULTY & EMPLOYEES Arizona State, Lewis & Clark, Chatham University Among Colleges Endowments Committing to Sustainable Retirement Plan Options with Renewed Focus on Climate and Social Justice
Summary of 2023 Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit
IEN and Second Nature’s 2023 Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit IEN and Second Nature’s annual Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit was hosted at the University of Miami, and took place February 5-7, 2023. The 300+ attendees included college and university presidents, trustees, endowment stakeholders, sustainability staff, and businesses and firms supporting sustainable investing, procurement, and operations.
The Crane Institute of Sustainability Receives Grant from...
Funding will support the development of an ‘Endowment Impact Benchmark’ to support endowments in reporting and celebrating progress on sustainable investing and to encourage the adoption of emerging impact standards.
The Intentional Endowments Network Expands Steering Commi...
Press Release updated on Feb 13, 2023 Cornelia Horner, Kunle Apampa, George Suttles, Amita Schultes, and Geri Melchiorre to advise on the Intentional Endowments Network’s strategic direction.