Endowment Value: $23.1 million (May 2019)
Eastern Washington University is a regional, comprehensive public university with an enrollment of over 13,000 located in Cheney, Washington, with programs offered at campuses in Cheney, and at multiple campus locations throughout the state.The University’s endowment is managed by the Eastern Washington University Foundation (EWUF). The Investment Committee has direct oversight of the EWUF and works closely with Northern Trust Institutional Investment Services to select asset allocations.
In 2015 the EWU Board of Trustees updated its investment policy to reflect the Board’s commitment to socially responsible investing and align its policy to EWU’s status as a signatory to the American College & University Presidents' Climate Commitment (ACUPCC), a national pledge to address climate change. This investment policy states that at a minimum, the investment portfolio will reflect a goal of divestment of holdings in fossil fuels. To further its goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, in 2017 EWU launched a full Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Plan which will serve as a guide for implementing more energy efficiency programs and tracking progress.
Eastern Washington University is a participant or member of the following Initiatives & Commitments:
- IEN Member (2017)
- AASHE STARS: Yes (member but does not report)
- ACUPCC: Yes, Climate Neutral by 2050
- Billion Dollar Green Challenge: No
- CDP: No
- Committee on Investor Responsibility: No
- Divestment Goal: Partial (see investment policy statement)
- INCR: No
- Montreal Carbon Pledge: No
- Sustainable Investment Fund: No
- Sustainable Investment Policy: Yes (revised 2015)
- Principles for Responsible Investment: Partial (Northern Trust is a signatory, the Foundation’s third party portfolio manager)
Other Sustainable Investing Practices: