Wednesday, June 17, 2015
12pm l Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT -04:00) l 1 hr
This webinar examined how CDP works to provide investors with the most accurate and reliable ESG information possible, and the no-cost, no-obligation benefits of supporting CDP's mission to increase transparency across climate, water, and forests environmental risk issues by becoming a signatory.
Investor signatories gain access to public and private disclosure information that is useful in engaging asset managers, investees, and stakeholders on integrating ESG risk into the investment decision making process.
This webinar was designed for higher education endowments. Check out the recording below!
Tokumbo Shobowale, Chief Operating Officer, The New School
Jameela Pedicini, VP Sustainable Investing, Harvard Management Company (live presentation only)
Ophir Buck, Sustainability Analyst, University of California
Georges Dyer, Principal, International Endowments Network
Chris Fowle, Investor Initiatives, CDP North America
for more information, please contact Georges Dyer at [email protected].