June 13, 2016
Quantitative finance has already fostered a vibrant knowledge exchange between academic innovation and industry application. The sustainable, responsible and impact investment world is still developing similar engagement opportunities.
The Intentional Endowments Network teamed with Bloomberg LP and the ICMA Centre at the Henley Business School at the University of Reading to design an event that bridged emerging academic and applied approaches to ESG integration and sustainable investment.
This was the third year Bloomberg LP hosted this conference. The event is meant to foster engagement and knowledge exchange between researchers in both academia and industry.
The evening reception also served as the official launch of the New York Chapter of “Building A Sustainable Investment Community” (BASIC).
09:00 Registration
09:45 Welcome
- Lenora Suki, Head of Sustainable Finance Product Strategy, Bloomberg LP
- Tony Cortese, Principal, Intentional Endowments Network
10:00 The State of Academic Research: ESG integration in Equities and Fixed Income
- Andreas Hoepner, Associate Professor of Finance, ICMA Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading
11:00 The Impact of Technology
- Curtis Ravenel, Global Head, Sustainable Business & Finance at Bloomberg LP
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 Debate: Are data and reporting frameworks driving investment strategies?
Sector materiality and relevance are increasingly acknowledged as critical elements of effective ESG integration into the investment process, as is the need to understand financial impacts of “extra-financial” factors. How useful are these frameworks for investors?
- Moderator: Gregory Elders, Senior ESG Analyst, Bloomberg Intelligence, Bloomberg LP
- Michael Kinstlick, Head of the Standards Setting Organization, SASB
- Mary P. O’Malley, Vice President, Corporate Governance, Global Lead Environment and Sustainability, Prudential Financial
14:00 Financial Innovation: Developing the Opportunity Side
- Moderator: Lenora Suki, Head of Sustainable Finance Product Strategy, Bloomberg LP
- Carolyn M. duPont, Harvard University - Harvard Kennedy School (HKS); Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Sloan School of Management
- Rebecca Regan, Executive Vice President and President, Capital Market Companies, Housing Partnership Network
- Bruce Schlein, Director, Alternative Energy Finance, Citi
14:45 Coffee Break
15:15 Infrastructure, Investment Platforms and the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy
- Moderator: David Wood, Director, Initiative for Responsible Investment at Hauser Institute for Civil Society and Adjunct Lecturer, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
- Patrick Bolton, Barbara and David Zalaznick Professor of Business, Columbia University and President, American Finance Association
- Waide Warner, Senior Counsel, Davis Polk & Wardwell
16:00 Conversation: Future of Human Capital Data
Panelists will explore how community based "S-Social" data can give insights into how companies are managing its human capital and will also discuss challenges and opportunities in current and emerging data sets.
- Moderator: Hideki Suzuki, Senior Corporate Governance Data Analyst, Bloomberg LP
- Michelle Miller, Co-Founder and Co-Director, Coworker.org
- Scott Zdrazil, Director of Strategy and Corporate Engagement, Office of the NYC Comptroller
16:45 Reception: Launch of New York Chapter of “Building A Sustainable Investment Community” (BASIC)