Felicia Davis, Co-Founder & Coordinator, HBCU Green Fund
Felicia M. Davis is a staunch advocate for measurable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency retrofits, green building, renewable energy solutions and an array of sustainable practices. In 2016 she co-founded the HBCU Green Fund to help finance green projects at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. She serves on the steering committees of Intentional Endowments Network, UNCF-ICB Climate Advisory Board and the JustTransition PowerForce. She was a founding board member for Green 2.0, dedicated to increasing racial diversity in environmental leadership and on the boards of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and Chattahoochee Riverkeeper. She convenes the Clayton County Black Women’s Roundtable and the Sustainable Future for Africa & Diaspora Network spanning 15 sub-Saharan countries. Climate Justice has been her primary focus since attending COP6 at The Hague in 2000. She previously served as the Georgia Airkeeper director, first director of Mothers & Others for Clean Air, and coordinated sustainability initiatives for Clark Atlanta University. She directed the two-million-dollar UNCF Building Green Initiative advancing sustainability for Black, Hispanic-Serving and Tribal Colleges and Universities and now serves on the newly established UNCF Institute for Capacity Building Climate Action Advisory Board. She is an Environmental Leadership Program Senior Fellow, an IGEL Fellow and active member of the National Technical Association. An author of the seminal Air of Injustice Report, she also produced the MSI Green Report, Sustainable Campuses-Building Green at Minority Serving Institutions, and the first ever HBCU Green Report. Felica is working to establish an innovative green financing platform that will help to democratize investment opportunities and expand renewable energy options. Projects under her leadership include a Bezos Earth Fund Greening West Atlanta initiative, Donors of Color BIPOC Climate Scholars Project, HBCU Energy Fellows Project, and numerous climate adaptation projects across Africa. Felicia’s favorite question is, “If we get it right what will it look like?”