DOL Paves the Way for ERISA Plan ESG Investments in Final “Pecuniary Factor” Rule


In November, the DOL released a rule on the use of ESG investment strategies in ERISA retirement plans. After releasing a proposed version of the rule over the summer, the DOL received over 8,000 comments from investors - most of them critical of the rule.  The final rule addressed many of the issues and maintains the previous guidance that ESG options, selected for financial risk/return reasons, are suitable for ERISA plans. 

Natixis Investment Managers published the following analysis of the key takeaways from the final rule by Bradford Campbell, partner and employee benefits attorney for Faegre Drinker in Washington, D.C., and a nationally recognized expert on employer-sponsored retirement plans.

DOL Paves the Way for ERISAPlan ESG Investments in Final “Pecuniary Factor” Rule 




The Intentional Endowments Network's Sustainable Retirements Initiative is supporting colleges, universities, and other nonprofits in evaluating their retirement plan offerings to employees.  Visit our Sustainable Retirements page to learn more, and if you or your institution is interested in participating, please contact us at [email protected]

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