Choose Your Own Climate Future: En-ROADS Climate Simulator Workshop for Investors

Date: March 17th, 2021, 1:00 p.m. ET

The challenge of climate action is also a challenge of climate conversation - how do we make sense of significant policy and technological uncertainty? How do we take meaningful action as investors? The purpose of the En-Roads Climate Solutions Simulator is to help make these conversations as constructive and informative as possible. Grounded in the best available science, the En-ROADS (Energy Rapid Overview and Decision Support) simulator allows people to choose which policy and technology levers to pull, and see the climate results for themselves in real-time. This 1-hour workshop over Zoom will allow participants to engage in interactive “policy testing” to explore pathways to a safer climate future. 

En-ROADS is a transparent, freely-available policy simulation model, developed by Climate Interactive, Ventana Systems, and MIT Sloan.




Workshop Facilitators: 

  • Jason Jay, Senior Lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management and Director of the Sustainability Initiative at MIT Sloan

  • Pedro de Vasconcellos Oporto, Research Assistant, MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative



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