Kristoffer Fabricius Birch – Head of Equities
Current employer: LD Pensions
Title: Head of Equities, responsible for strategy, manager selection, portfolio construction, Private Equity and ESG.

LD Pension was founded at the end of the 1970s by the Danish parliament with the object of managing Denmark's “cost-of-living allowances”. These allowances were meant to be paid to the employees to offset inflation. However, the government decided to pay them as a supplementary lump sum pension upon retirement. In 1980, the government therefore entrusted LD with EUR 1.1bn deposited into 2.5m member accounts. LD has not received any contributions since 1980, but since then 1.9m members have received their savings, and LD has payed EUR 13.4bn as pension lump sums to the members plus tax. At the end of 2018 LD’s assets amount to EUR 5.6bn belonging to 600,000 members. LD Pension is currently planning for a new 13 bn. EUR fund to be established by 2020.
Years with LD Pension: 2.5
Years of Industry experience: 15
Previous jobs: Nykredit Asset Management (Copenhagen, Denmark), Portfolio manager at Accunia Asset Management (Copenhagen, Denmark), Portfolio manager State Street Global Advisors (Sydney, Australia), portfolio manager SEB Pension (Copenhagen Denmark).