Jameela Pedicini, Director, Asset Management, Perella Weinberg Partners
Prior to joining Perella Weinberg Partners, Ms. Pedicini was Vice President of Sustainable Investing at the Harvard Management Company, where she was responsible for developing and leading its sustainable investment strategy. Prior to that, Ms. Pedicini was an Investment Officer at the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, where she led the development and implementation of a variety of strategic ESG integration initiatives. Before working in the US, Ms. Pedicini worked in London for the UN supporting Principles for Responsible Investment as Manager of Investor Engagements, and Global Risk Analyst at Verisk Maplecroft.
Ms. Pedicini currently serves on the Standards Council of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board in San Francisco.
Ms. Pedicini received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Antioch University. She also holds a MSc in Sociology: Social Theory and Public Affairs from the University of Amsterdam and a MPhil in Comparative Social Policy from the University of Oxford.