Jon Gluyas, Dean of Knowledge Exchange, Director Durham Energy Institute, Durham University
Jon Gluyas is a geologist with 28 years experience in the petroleum industry and most recently 8 years experience in academia. He has a degree in geology (Sheffield) and PhD in geochemistry (Liverpool). Jon worked in exploration and production around the globe; initially, with BP, Jon joined the independent sector in 1996 and then formed his first company, Acorn Oil and Gas in 2001.
Jon left the oil industry for academia in 2009 to become the first appointment of a professor in geoenergy, carbon capture and storage (CCS) at Durham. His research has been on CCS as well as geothermal energy and helium exploration.
Jon has served as president of the Petroleum Exploration Society of GB, president of the Earth Sciences Teachers Association and chairman of the British Geological Survey Board. At Durham University, Jon was Head of the Earth Sciences Department and he is Dean of Knowledge Exchange and Executive Director of Durham Energy Institute.