Kaede Kawauchi

  • IEN Webinar: All Investments Affect Racial (In)justice

    This webinar is part of IEN's Investing in Racial Equity Series

    Date: December 15, 2020, 1:00 p.m. ET

    It is abundantly clear how investments in private prisons, or lack of investments for entrepreneurs of color, affect racial justice outcomes. But what about all the other investments in a portfolio? In this session led by Andrea Armeni, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Transform Finance, we will focus on some of the more difficult-to-see ways in which endowments are inextricably linked to outcomes that negatively affect communities of color. Transform Finance, along with other experts in the field, will lead us into conversation to argue that capital has a long way to go in being a true ally – or even just not being a source of harm – for communities of color, and this starts with identifying where race shows up in a portfolio in less obvious ways. Panelists will provide a look at some examples that tie seemingly neutral investment decisions to harmful practices that exacerbate issues like the racial wealth gap, job quality, education, housing, and health. We will discuss some of the real actions investors can take – and also try to get some ideas from the audience on obstacles to this approach.


    • Andrea Armeni, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Transform Finance
    • Lisa Hayles, Investment Manager at Trillium Asset Management
    • Renaye Manley, Board Member of Majority Action, the Council of Institutional Investors, and the Thirty Percent Coalition 



    Resources referenced: 


  • published Investing in Social Equity in IEN's Focus Areas 2021-01-05 13:23:43 -0500

    Investing in Social Equity



    Select the topic that you're interested in learning more about and browse through the list of curated resources on social equity investing.


    Community Investing

    Highlights place based investing strategies, peer examples and opportunities for action

    List of resources

    Gender Lens Investing

    Resources to learn more about the business case for gender lens investing and available strategies 

    List of resources

    Human Rights Investing

    Resources and toolkit on investment strategies that respect human rights

    List of resources

    Racial Equity Investing 

    Library of resources on racial equity investing and emerging investment opportunities 

    List of Resources

    Climate Justice Investing 

    Designed to provide resources on investor actions to advance climate justice 

    List of resources

    Setting Your Goals & Acting for Impact

    Social Equity Goals

    Suggested goals that endowments, consultants, managers and companies can set to advance social equity

    See goals

    Social Equity Action Steps

    Learn how to take concrete steps to advance social equity

    See action steps

    Engage with IEN 

    Join a Working Group

    Participate in our Working Groups to help shape and develop the thought leadership on social equity investing 

    See groups

    Join an Online Community 

    Sign up to engage in an active discussion through our listservs or receive updates on the latest developments 


  • published Impact Shares in Organizations 2020-12-18 10:29:39 -0500

    Impact Shares

    At Impact Shares we invest in change. It’s why we’re committed to changing the world of impact investing, one socially conscious ETF at a time. At Impact Shares, we help organizations translate their social values into an investable product that is traded on the NYSE. Being a part of our ETFs means committing to an evolving set of criteria, defined by our non-profit partners, to ensure ongoing alignment of corporate behaviors with social values. With all net profits going directly back to these non-profit partners, together we’re making money go farther and do more. Creating an impact that is both reflected in portfolios and felt in the world all around us.






  • published Mission and Vision in About 2020-10-01 14:29:17 -0400

    The Leading Mission-Aligned Investing Network for Higher Education and Other Endowed Institutions

    Our vision is that all endowed institutions mobilize capital to create a world where all people thrive with equal access to personal and economic opportunity.

    Our economic system's prioritization of short-term returns over long-term value creation has exacerbated the issues of climate change, racial injustice, and widening economic inequality. Intentional Endowments Network encourages and supports higher education institutions to adopt long-term investment strategies that create an equitable, low-carbon, and regenerative economy.

    We believe that higher education institutions are influential actors with power to drive systemic change - to benefit themselves and society as a whole.

    Higher education and other social purpose institutions are making critical choices every day about how to operate in a society and economy facing multiple intersecting crises. The higher education sector  educates 20 million students per year in the US, who are society’s future leaders and professionals. It helps solve current problems, anticipate tomorrow’s challenges, and serve as a model in all of its actions, including endowment investing. 

    Our goal is for the 2,000 higher education institutions, totaling $650 billion in endowment assets and $890 billion in retirement funds, to invest in ways that accelerate the shift to an equitable, low carbon, and regenerative economy. We are also working to ensure higher education institutions develop the next generation of leaders committed to this type of economy through student managed investment funds and sustainable investing curriculum.

    About the Intentional Endowments Network

    The Intentional Endowments Network is a non-profit, peer-learning network advancing intentionally designed endowments – those that seek to enhance financial performance by making investments that advance an equitable, low carbon, and regenerative economy. Working closely with leading organizations, the network engages leaders and key stakeholders from higher education, foundations, business, and nonprofits. It provides opportunities for learning and education, peer networking, convening, thought leadership and information exchange around a variety of strategies (e.g., ESG integration, impact investing, and shareholder engagement). 

    IEN is committed to making diversity, equity, inclusion and justice (DEIJ) part of the culture and the strength of our organization and work.

    Our programming goals include dismantling racism and supporting the careers and professional development of traditionally marginalized or underrepresented groups to help create a more equitable and just society, aligning with the mission of the organization. Read our full DEIJ Statement on the Commitment to DEIJ page.   

    Read about IEN's history.

    Demonstrate and advance your leadership in creating a low-carbon, regenerative, and equitable economy by becoming a member of the Intentional Endowments Network today.


    IEN is an initiative of The Crane Institute of Sustainability, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit. 

    For more on what the Network has accomplished, see IEN's Latest Impact Report.










  • Investor Racial Equity Pledge

    Call for IEN Members to Sign On to the Belonging Pledge – A Commitment to Advance Racial Equity 

    IEN is pleased to partner with Confluence Philanthropy to support the Belonging Pledge.  Please see the details below, and consider making this easy but powerful commitment to put racial equity on the agenda of your next investment committee meeting.  For individuals who attended college or university, please consider sending this opportunity to your alma mater's investment office. 



    The events of spring 2020 will be chronicled as the next milestone in the fight for racial justice and equality.  A global pandemic, resulting in unemployment for 40 million Americans, followed by yet another brutal death at the hands of police officers set off a wave of protests and civil unrest in more than 75 U.S. cities

    In response, Confluence Members and partnering investor networks launched a pledge for racial equity called the Belonging Pledge, #2020belongingpledge.

    The commitment recognizes that racial equity belongs throughout the investment process, in the investment committee meeting, and, ultimately, in how decisions are made about capital deployment. Achieving racial equity is typically presented as daunting, perhaps even unattainable for some minds. But change is possible with sincere commitment, clear goals, and measurable benchmarks. Most importantly, change must begin with a shift in the prevailing racially homogenous culture and exclusivity that ultimately perpetuates racial bias and inequity within the investment industry and investors’ portfolios.


    “We commit to discussing racial equity at our next investment committee meeting. We will move our agenda forward on this. We will share our next steps and results (perhaps privately), so that we can help to identify industry-wide barriers and the technical resources required to advance the practice of investing with a racial equity lens.”

    If you would like to sign onto the pledge, please email us at [email protected]



    We encourage endowments and other investors to join over 100 signatories and partners listed below representing $1.88 Trillion in AUM in committing to the pledge and putting racial equity on your investment committee agenda. If you would like to sign on to the pledge, please email us at [email protected].

  • published Member Portal in Member Portal 2020-02-14 13:19:11 -0500

    Welcome to IEN's Member Portal

    This is your peer learning and professional development platform designed to generate knowledge exchange, and the co-creation of resources covering key innovations and trends in endowment management. The Network generates resources and convenings focused on key trends and practices with the guiding principle of generating profits by investing in a thriving, regenerative, and inclusive economy.

    We encourage you to connect with others and suggest new activities or projects that would be helpful to you and your organization’s work related to expanding sustainable investing. We invite you to share your feedback on IEN’s activities on an ongoing basis with the IEN team and via the annual membership survey.


    New to IEN?

    Please see the Quick Action Guide For New Members to help you get started. 

    Browse the Member Directory

    Browse the member directory for an IEN member that you know or want to connect with. 

    Submit Your Idea: Contribute to IEN's Blog & Webinar Series

    One benefit of IEN Membership is the opportunity to contribute to IEN's blog and/or webinar series. Learn more and be added to our content pipeline by submitting a blog idea here, or a webinar idea here.

    Sign up: Exclusive Member Version of the Weekly Round-Up 

    Weekly Roundup for IEN members includes a digestible summary of the latest trends in endowment management and ESG, sustainable, and impact investing across key themes. Members receive full access to this key resource for keeping up with a rapidly evolving field. Subscribe here.

    Explore IEN Resources 

    The resources section on our website features reports, articles, and videos on key topics, which we update regularly. You can also browse through member-only resources for additional learning. 

    Join an IEN Initiative

    IEN Initiatives offer a forum where IEN Members can engage in topical conversations, build their professional networks and expertise, feel comfortable sharing successes, challenges, and requests for support, and developing resources and tools to advance the field. Explore options related to your specific area of interest and expertise.

    Gain Complimentary Access to Values Advisor

    IEN has partnered with ValuesAdvisor to offer IEN Members a free subscription to the ValuesAdvisor platform, the only non-profit platform offering investors the opportunity to search for an experienced values-based investment advisor. Learn more.

    Nominate or Join our Leadership Committees

    IEN Members are invited to apply to join, or to nominate a prospective representative to the Steering Committee (convenes twice per year to provide strategic input and guidance) or the Executive Committee (a subset of the Steering Committee that meets more frequently and actively advises on IEN’s activities). 

    Register for Upcoming Events 

    Plan to participate in upcoming events hosted by IEN or take advantage of the discounted access to other conferences and meetings across the country through our partnerships with other conveners.

    Maintain your IEN membership  

    Renew your membership with IEN here and continue to grow the network's impact.




    Frequently Asked Questions   

    Questions? Please see the FAQ sheet for more details or contact us at [email protected].




  • 2020 Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit

    The 2020 Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit will be held in partnership with Second Nature from February 23-25, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia.

    The Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit is the largest national gathering of higher education presidents, chancellors, trustees, and other senior leaders working to accelerate climate solutions through all aspects of institutional activities -- education, research, campus operations, community engagement, and endowment investing. 

    Read a recap of the 2020 summit here or watch recorded sessions:

    For more details on the 2020 Summit, and to learn about future Summits, please visit the Summit website: www.HigherEdClimateSummit.org

  • ESG & Community Impact Investing Roundtable - Event Summary

    On September 6th, 2019, IEN organized the ESG & Community Impact Investing Roundtable at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. The half-day event brought together a diverse group of endowment decision-makers, investment firms, nonprofit leaders and other stakeholders looking to enhance environmental, social, and governance (ESG) integration into their investment process to positively impact communities near their campuses and around the world. 

    Read more

  • ESG & Community Impact Investing Roundtable - Open Space Notes

    Intentionally Designed Endowments Roundtable

    ESG & Community Investing

    Berkeley-Haas, September 6, 2019




    Below please find the ideas for action and continued conversation that emerged from the closing action planning session at IEN’s ESG & Community Investing Roundtable at Berkeley-Haas on September 6th, 2019. 

    For those who proposed each idea -- if you would like to continue the conversation via email and/or by convening a conference call with the others who added their names on post-it notes, please email the group listed under your idea and copy Kaede Kawauchi ([email protected]). 

    If you are interested in one of the groups, and your name is not included on the list, please let us know and we will add it and connect you with the person who proposed that group. (*please note: some of the post-it notes fell off the board before we had a chance to take pictures, so please double check that your name is included under each group in which you are interested!) 


    Intersection between Opportunity Zones and green bonds as well as indigenous rights

    • Katherine Hawthorne
    • Jacob Moore
    • Sean Martin 


    Investing in cooperatives that are led by people of color 

    • Jessel Amin
    • Rachel Schlueter

    Partnership between universities and investment managers 

    • Katherine Hawthorne

    Connecting university endowments to campus initiatives and programs  

    • Trey McDonald
    • Katie Parker

    Connecting university endowments to surrounding communities

    • Felicia Davis
    • Jessel Amin
    • Amir Kirkwood
    • Katherine Hawthorne
    • Trey McDonald
    • Rachel Schlueter
    • Katie Parker

    Centralized due diligence + Impact Tracking + Financial Tracking

    • Tyler Jackson
    • Stephen Malta

    Convening around investments in diverse managers

    • Jacob Moore
    • Sandy Lee

    Impact investing practicum @ Haas

    • Arpan Soparkar

    Role of student managed funds (SIILK Network)

    • Katie Parker
    • Megan Morrice

    Mission-first money creating opportunities that "traditional" dollars can then follow/invest in

    • Stephen Malta
    • Amir Kirkwood

    Metrics of community impact

    • Sean Martin
    • Laura Young

    Storytelling around good investments and founders (esp. diverse-owned)

    • Trey McDonald
    • Solome Tibebu

    Changing narrative about tradeoff between impact + returns

    • Amir Kirkwood

    Connecting talent to Impact Industry 

    • Cathy Garza

  • published Join Our Listserv in Take Action 2019-04-22 13:43:49 -0400

  • published what are my peers doing in Resource Library 2019-02-10 14:51:14 -0500

    What are My Peers Doing?

    Case Studies, Surveys, and Video Series


    Sustainable Investing Action Organized by Name of Institution

    Look at each institution individually to see what initiatives they have committed to or click the logo of a particular initiative to look at all the institutions in our growing database that participate.

    Sustainable Investing Action Organized by Activity

    Look through each sustainable investing activity to learn more and see which schools have implemented these changes. 

    Sustainable Investing Action Organized by Year

  • published Financial Performance in Resource Library 2019-02-10 14:48:50 -0500

    Financial Performance

    Can sustainable investments achieve performance objectives? 

    Addressing key material factors that have often not been considered investment decisions can help investors maximize a portfolio’s risk and return profile. In addition to addressing constituent concerns, incorporating material environmental, social, and governance factors into an investment decision value chain can enhance long-term returns, decrease risk by providing downside protection, and deliver portfolio benefits such as diversification and reduced volatility. 

    Reports and Resource

    David Blood discussing sustainability and stock selection at 2016 IEN Forum



  • published Fiduciary Duty in Resource Library 2019-02-10 14:46:27 -0500

    Fiduciary Duty

    Can sustainable investments meet fiduciary requirements of care and diligence?

    As more and more sophisticated investors find long-term competitive advantages in strategies that incorporate material environmental, social and governance ("ESG") factors into investment analysis, prudent adoption of mission-aligned investment techniques is consistent with fiduciary duties.

    Reports and Resources 





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