Liz Clark

Liz Clark, Vice President for Policy and Research, National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)

Liz LaPolt Clark is Vice President for Policy and Research at the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), a membership organization representing more than 1,900 colleges and universities across the country. Liz leads the team responsible for analysis of federal regulatory and legislative actions, research, and communications at NACUBO. She has been widely quoted in the press and is a sought-after speaker on how Washington politics and federal policies impact higher education. Liz got her start on Capitol Hill in 1999, running Cornell University's first Washington, DC-based federal relations office, and in her career has led federal affairs for the State University of New York (SUNY) System and for Oregon State University.

A native of Liberty, NY, Liz is a graduate of Binghamton University (SUNY) and received a Master’s degree from Cornell University.



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