SDG #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Roughly half the world’s population still lives on the equivalent of about US$2 a day. And in too many places, having a job doesn’t guarantee the ability to escape from poverty. This slow and uneven progress requires us to rethink and retool our economic and social policies aimed at eradicating poverty. A continued lack of decent work opportunities, insufficient investments and under-consumption lead to an erosion of the basic social contract underlying democratic societies: that all must share in progress. The creation of quality jobs will remain a major challenge for almost all economies well beyond 2015. Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs that stimulate the economy while not harming the environment. Job opportunities and decent working conditions are also required for the whole working age population.


Organizations and Initiatives

Investor Alliance for Human Rights | Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

Know The Chain Humanity United, the� Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Sustainalytics, and Verité



Webinar: First-time Fund Managers in Emerging Markets Bring a New Model to PE in Africa l Intentional Endowments Network, July 11, 2017

Webinar: KnowTheChain Benchmarking Findings: How Are Companies Addressing Forced Labor and Human Trafficking Risks in Their Supply Chains? l Intentional Endowments Network, January 19, 2017


Articles and White Papers on Decent Work and Economic Growth:

Three Sectors, Three Years Later: Progress and Gaps in the Fight Against Forced Labor | Know The Chain, April 2019

Apparel and Footwear 2018 Benchmark Findings Report l Know The Chain, December 2018

Impact of Disclosure Regulation on Forced Labor l Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), 2016

Benchmarking Business and Human Rights l Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), 2016







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