Sharif Tarver published Renewable energy generates record power in US in 2016 in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-30 10:17:10 -0400
Renewable energy generates record power in US in 2016
Renewable energy generates record power in US in 2016 | The Global TimesAugust 26th, 2016Renewable energy, including hydroelectricity, has been producing more electricity than ever in the United States since the beginning of this year, according to data released by the US Energy Department on Thursday.
Sharif Tarver published Could the G-20 Become Coherent on Climate? in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-30 10:11:02 -0400
Could the G-20 Become Coherent on Climate?
Could the G-20 Become Coherent on Climate? | Center for American ProgressAugust 25th, 2016The G-20—a forum of 20 of the world’s largest economies—has a record of ambivalence on the topic of climate change. One case in point is the disconnect between the group’s efforts to address climate risks and its efforts to reduce the shortfall in global infrastructure investment. On one hand, the G-20 is aware that investing in projects that are high-carbon or vulnerable to the physical effects of rising temperatures carries risks that could have a destabilizing influence on the global economy. On the other hand, the G-20 is seeking to narrow the infrastructure gap in the absence of a guiding principle that infrastructure investments must be climate-compatible.
Sharif Tarver published Climate change is ‘overblown nonsense’ and not a material risk, says industry in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-30 10:09:07 -0400
Climate change is ‘overblown nonsense’ and not a material risk, says industry
Climate change is ‘overblown nonsense’ and not a material risk, says industry | Professional PensionsAugust, 24th, 2016Industry does not take climate risk to heart in its investment decisions, PP research reveals.The latest Pensions Buzz poll - conducted by Professional Pensions between 22 August and 23 August among 101 trustees, scheme managers and pension professionals - found more than half (53%) did not see climate change as a financially material risk to their own or their clients' portfolios.
Sharif Tarver published Why Endowments Outperform in Private Equity in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-24 08:32:52 -0400
Why Endowments Outperform in Private Equity
Why Endowments Outperform in Private Equity | Chief Investment OfficerAugust 23rd, 2016How often do you check up on your general partners (GPs)? Research has suggested that high reporting frequency in private equity is a sign of good governance in GPs and limited partners (LPs) alike—and could lead to better overall performance.
Sharif Tarver published Are E&F Investors Abandoning Hedge Funds? in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-24 08:25:13 -0400
Are E&F Investors Abandoning Hedge Funds?
Are E&F Investors Abandoning Hedge Funds? | Chief Investment OfficerAugust 16th, 2016Endowments and foundations are the latest investor group to put pressure on the traditional hedge fund model. Nearly a quarter of endowments and foundations now allocate nothing to hedge funds, compared with just 2% two years ago, according to NEPC. In addition, the proportion of survey respondents allocating 10% or less of their portfolios to hedge funds has swollen from 34% to 55% in the same period. Less than a quarter (23%) now allocate 11% to 20%, down from 39% in 2014.
Sharif Tarver published Some Foundations, Endowments Re-evaluating Hedge Fund Use in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-24 08:23:02 -0400
Some Foundations, Endowments Re-evaluating Hedge Fund Use
Some Foundations, Endowments Re-evaluating Hedge Fund Use | Think AdvisorAugust 18th, 2016Foundations and endowments have a lot of complaints about hedge funds, but most are not giving up on them, according to a new survey by NEPC, an investment consulting firm.Indeed, given their concerns about the U.S. economy and global growth prospects, many investors may be looking toward hedge funds to protect their portfolios.But a sizable number seem to be turning away or cutting back.
Sharif Tarver published New York's Clean Energy Standard is a key step toward pricing carbon pollution fairly in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-24 08:20:39 -0400
New York's Clean Energy Standard is a key step toward pricing carbon pollution fairly
New York's Clean Energy Standard is a key step toward pricing carbon pollution fairly | Utility DriveAugust 18th, 2016The Clean Energy Solutions (CES) lays out one of the country’s first clean energy plans that relies on sound economic valuation of generators’ clean energy attributes.
Sharif Tarver published It's the dawn of the community solar farm in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-24 08:15:22 -0400
It's the dawn of the community solar farm
It's the Dawn of the Community Solar Farm | Bloomberg L.PAugust 16th, 2016A growing number of consumers are buying into community solar farms that allow renters and apartment dwellers to access renewable energy produced on neighborhood plots that can be small enough to host a little league baseball game. Some are so modest they’re referred to as solar gardens.
Sharif Tarver published Enlist in the climate change fight in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-24 08:12:55 -0400
Enlist in the climate change fight
Enlist the Market in the Climate-Change Fight | The Wall Street JournalAugust 18th, 2016Even before the devastating flooding began in Louisiana last week, and we learned that July 2016 shattered all global temperature records, mounting data had demonstrated the growing risks climate change poses to the global economy. Whether you are an investor assessing the $2 trillion in bonds that Moody’s found carry elevated near-term climate risk, one of the nearly two million U.S. homeowners facing significant risk from climate-related flooding, or a U.S. taxpayer staring at $360 billion in direct government costs from extreme weather over the past decade—these threats are looming, large and increasing.
Sharif Tarver published You Don't Have to Sacrifice Returns for Sustainability in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-23 19:18:36 -0400
You Don't Have to Sacrifice Returns for Sustainability
You Don't Have to Sacrifice Returns for Sustainability | MorningStarAugust 19th, 2016There's a commonly believed theory—by narrowing the investment universe based on exclusionary screening of certain products or industries, sustainable/responsible investors risk underperforming market benchmarks. However, exclusionary screening is only one facet of the overall approach taken by sustainable/responsible investors today, and is an approach that’s being used less extensively than in the past.
Sharif Tarver published CalPERS Adopts Environmental, Social, And Governance Strategic Plan - Five-Year Plan Identifies Six Strategic Initiatives And Key Performance Indicators in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-23 19:14:59 -0400
CalPERS Adopts Environmental, Social, And Governance Strategic Plan - Five-Year Plan Identifies Six Strategic Initiatives And Key Performance Indicators
August 15th, 2016
The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) Board of Administration today adopted the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) 5-Year Strategic Plan (PDF), a six -point plan that is the next evolution of CalPERS' work on sustainable investing and the Global Governance program.
Sharif Tarver published ESG taking the spotlight among alternatives heavyweights in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-23 19:11:34 -0400
ESG taking the spotlight among alternatives heavyweights
ESG taking the spotlight among alternatives heavyweights | Pensions & InvestmentsAugust 15th, 2016Executives at alternative investment manager KKR & Co LP have expanded their ESG program from cutting energy costs at portfolio companies — including changing types light bulbs — to investments in solar energy companies.
Sharif Tarver published Sustainable Finance, News and Commentary in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-23 19:08:25 -0400
Sustainable Finance, News and Commentary
Sustainable Finance, News and Commentary | Bloomberg L.PAugust 18th, 2016Methane emissions from cattle and dairy cows aren't appetizing to sustainable investors looking for a low-emissions place to park their cash. Companies including Danone and Cargill are trying solutions to reduce the agriculture industry's emissions impact. Calpers has a new five-year sustainability plan; Wells Fargo Private Bank moves impact investing in house; Matt Christensen global head of responsible investment at AXA Investment Managers on the next chapter in sustainability engagement; Toyota tops a new global clean energy ranking; Uber and Lyft want to replace public buses.
Sharif Tarver published Fossil Fuel Industry Faces 'Existential Threats' as Shareholders, Regulators Push for Emissions Cuts in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-23 11:43:03 -0400
Fossil Fuel Industry Faces 'Existential Threats' as Shareholders, Regulators Push for Emissions Cuts
Fossil Fuel Industry Faces 'Existential Threats' as Shareholders, Regulators Push for Emissions Cuts | Natural Gas IntelAugust 15th, 2016The oil, natural gas and coal industries have found themselves under increasing pressure from shareholders, activists and government officials to reduce carbon emissions, with their fortunes and the stability of the Earth's climate now locked in a zero-sum game, according to a Rice University energy expert.
Brian J. Sharpes
Brian J. Sharpes, Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA), Managing Director – Investments, Senior Institutional Consultant, UBS Institutional Consulting
Brian has served his clients’ investment management needs since 1994. Since starting his career, he has specialized in nonprofit organizations. He has built a reputation and client base over that time that has led to national recognition and over $3 billion in group assets, of which $1.4 billion are nonprofit client assets under management. In an ongoing effort to continue professional development, Brian earned the Certified Investment Management Analyst designation under the joint auspices of the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, and the Investment Management Consultants Association (IMCA). He also earned the Accredited Investment Fiduciary designation, and holds his Masters of Nonprofit Management from the University of San Francisco. His specialized areas of expertise include working with both Public and Private Nonprofits. He has been asked to speak at national and regional conferences on subjects ranging from portfolio design and implementation, to building consensus on an investment committee, fiduciary education/liability, industry ethics, developing socially responsible investment strategies, and impact investing.
Sharif Tarver published Calvert Investments Launches Global Energy Research Index in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-14 12:00:34 -0400
Calvert Investments Launches Global Energy Research Index
Calvert Investments Launches Global Energy Research Index | Digital JournalAug 8, 2016Calvert Investments launched the Calvert Energy Research Index (CALNRG), which marks the seventh addition to the firm’s growing suite of responsible indexes and its second research index. The new index focuses on investing in companies that manage either energy use in a sustainable manner or that are actively engaged in facilitating the transition to a more sustainable economy through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the expanded use of renewable energy sources.
Sharif Tarver published How Elite Colleges and Universities Help Perpetuate the Nation’s Income Inequality in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-14 11:55:15 -0400
How Elite Colleges and Universities Help Perpetuate the Nation’s Income Inequality
August 11th, 2016Should wealthy colleges and universities spend more from their endowment earnings to help low income students?
Sharif Tarver published Exclusive: Why These Cities Are Leading on Clean Energy in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-14 11:50:25 -0400
Exclusive: Why These Cities Are Leading on Clean Energy
August 10th, 2016Cities large and small are leading the charge on the country's transition to clean energy, driven by concerns that range from air pollution to the need to create jobs, according to a new report from the Sierra Club.
Sharif Tarver published Hampshire College Is Going 100% Solar for Electricity in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-14 11:48:08 -0400
Hampshire College Is Going 100% Solar for Electricity
Hampshire College Is Going 100% Solar for Electricity | Hampshire CollegeJune 10, 2016Hampshire College will begin construction in late July of 15,000 solar panels, covering approximately 19 acres on the 840-acre campus, the centerpiece of its plan to produce 100% of campus electricity from on-site renewable energy, on an annualized basis. Project partner SolarCity has applied for town permits to begin construction of the two PV solar arrays and a Tesla battery-storage system.
Sharif Tarver published Climate Risk Is Poorly Represented in Company Financial Filings in Weekly News Round-Ups 2016-08-14 11:45:19 -0400
Climate Risk Is Poorly Represented in Company Financial Filings
Climate Risk Is Poorly Represented in Company Financial Filings | Scientific AmericanAugust 11th, 2016- Investigation shows that reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission are incomplete and inconsistent