iSelect Fund Management

iSelect Fund is a venture capital firm investing with impact in critical global areas such as sustainable food/ag and healthcare. They invest globally, though primarily in the U.S., and throughout the life cycle of emerging companies. The fund is also set up in an evergreen structure that enables flexible and bespoke investment programs that meet the needs of specific endowment or foundation goals.

They are passionate about investing in companies that can truly make a positive impact in the world, as well as reward investors with attractive venture capital returns. Their companies are seeking to bring more nutritious food and ingredients to market, reduce reliance on animal-sourced foods, increase crop yields, reduce chemical crop inputs, cure cancer, reduce global obesity, and more. They currently have 60+ portfolio companies and approximately $175M in AUM.


Resources from iSelect Fund:

Investing with Impact - This white paper from IEN member iSelect Fund outlines the opportunities for impact investing in the venture capital space. Available for download with free registration (download PDF).


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