The following resources explore the process of transition to net zero endowment portfolios for academic institutions:
- University of Toronto Asset Management – The University of Toronto Asset Management (UTAM) is the investment manager for University of Toronto’s (U of T) endowments. U of T is the world’s first university to join the UN Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance. In 2021, the university announced its commitment to net zero emissions from its endowment portfolio by 2050. In this Integrated Annual Report, UTAM combines its traditional Annual Report with the Responsible Investing Report and highlights various aspects of the Net Zero process – asset mix, manager selection, risk management, stewardship, and engagement, among others.
- Lewis and Clark College - Lewis & Clark College’s Investment Policy Statement reflects its commitment to a zero emissions portfolio by 2040.
- Arizona State University - Arizona State University Enterprise Partners, which manages the investments of Arizona State University’s endowments committed to a Net Zero portfolio by 2035. This case study by IEN discusses in detail the University's move toward sustainable investing.
- Harvard University – Harvard Management Company (HMC) manages Harvard University’s endowments and other financial assets. In April 2020, HMC released a Net Zero Portfolio Commitment to achieve net zero GHG by 2050. The most recent Climate Report provides an update on HMC’s efforts towards achieving carbon neutrality through investments in climate transition solutions, measuring portfolio carbon emissions, and engagement with companies to reduce GHG emissions and improve disclosure.
Additionally, these case studies by the Investor Agenda illustrate how several institutional investors’ climate action plans aligned with the measures outlined in the ICAPs Expectations Ladder.
Net Zero Commitments by Endowments:
- University of Manchester (May 2020, March 2023)
- Harvard University (Progress reports: Feb. 2021, Feb. 2022, Feb. 2023)
- University of Michigan (March 2021, progress report: Dec. 2022)
- Russell Family Foundation (October 2022)
- Lewis & Clark College (October 2022)
- Jessie Smith Noyse Foundation (September 2022)
- San Francisco State University (September 2022)
- Northwestern University (June 2022)
- University of Virginia, UVIMCO (March 2022)
- Rice University (February 2022, energy portfolio)
- Lancaster University (November 2021)
- McKnight Foundation (October 2021)
- University of Toronto (October 2021)
- University of Sydney (June 2021)
- University of Waterloo (June 2021)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (May 2021)
- Princeton University (May 2021)
- University of Pennsylvania (April 2021)
- Sierra Club Foundation (March 2021)
- Arizona State University (February 2021)
- Trinity College Cambridge (February 2021)
- University of Cambridge (October 2020)
- World Resources Institute (October 2020)
- David Rockefeller Fund (August 2020)
- Stanford University (June 2020)
- University of Oxford (April 2020)