IEN's Net Zero Endowments Initiative
IEN convenes and supports endowments in learning about Net Zero Portfolios, making commitments, and participating in shareholder engagement efforts to get portfolio companies onto decarbonization pathways aligned with the 1.5 degree C warming target of the Paris Climate AgreementLearning the Basics:
Net Zero Portfolios are an effective and powerful way for investors to reduce risks associated with climate change and the transition to a low-carbon economy. They also accelerate corporate climate action to reduce systemic risk for all investors and to protect current and future generations from climate impacts.
A commitment to Net Zero means committing to transition the investment portfolio to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 consistent with a maximum temperature rise of 1.5°C above pre-industrial temperatures, taking into account the best available scientific knowledge including the findings of the IPCC, and regularly reporting on progress, including establishing intermediate targets every five years in line with Paris Agreement Article 4.9.
Social equity is central to the need to address the climate crisis. Marginalized communities, disproportionately Communities of Color, are often the most vulnerable to climate impacts. To ensure an equitable and just transition, climate solutions must be viewed from a holistic perspective to ensure all communities are protected and have opportunities to benefit from the wealth generated in creating a new economy.
Leading with Justice: Net Zero Investing & Conversations on Climate Justice
Briefing Paper: Net Zero Endowments to Address the Climate Crises and Lead a Just Transition
IEN Q&A: Approaching Net Zero Strategies with a Racial Justice Lens, the Next Investment Frontier
IEN Curated Resources:
Publications & articles
Webinars and online workshops
Partner Resources:
Equity Investing in Climate Solutions | NZAOA, Cambridge Associates, Clean Energy Ventures, Essex Investment Management (May 5, 2021)
The Energy Transition: What, How, and Why It Matters | FFI Solutions, Carbon Tracker (April 20, 2021)
Brown Bag Session: Investor Journey to Net-Zero: Understanding your Portfolio | MSCI (April 19, 2021)
Choose Your Own Climate Future: En-ROADS Climate Simulator Workshop for Investors | MIT Sloan (March 2021)
The Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance | NZ Asset Owners Alliance, Zurich Insurance (October 2020)
Roundtable conversation on Harvard’s Net Zero Commitment with endowments totaling over $95 billion in assets (held under Chatham House Rule, no recording available) (July 2020)
Investing for a Net-Zero World: A Guide for Investors | Cambridge Associates (July 2021)
Net Zero Endowments to Address the Climate Crises and Lead a Just Transition (Briefing Paper) | IEN (July 2021)
The Investor Climate Action Plans (ICAPs) Expectations Ladder and Guidance | The Investor Agenda (May 2021)
Inaugural 2025 Target Setting Protocol | Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance (Apr. 2021)
The Investor Guide to Climate Collaboration: from COP26 to Net Zero | PRI (Mar. 2021) includes a list of initiatives, tools and resources related to net zero portfolios
Net Zero Investment Framework | Paris Aligned Investment Initiative (Mar. 2021)
Mainstreaming the Transition to a Net-Zero Economy | G30 (Oct. 2020, press release)
Financing a Net-Zero Economy: Measuring and Addressing Climate Risk for Banks | Ceres (Oct. 2020)
- Climate Transition in a Portfolio Context: What Matters and What to Measure | Morgan Stanley (July 2020)