PRI Guidance on Investing in Real Estate
PRI Guidance on ESG Integration in Infrastructure
PRI Guidance on ESG Integration in Farmland
The Financial Performance of Real Assets Impact Investments: Introducing the Timber, Real Estate, and Infrastructure Impact Benchmarks| The GIIN & Cambridge Associates, May 3, 2017
TIAA-CREF- Sustainable Real Estate Investing: Exploring the Burden of Proof May 2015
Related Initiatives:
Asset Management Firms
- Bridges Fund Management- investment firm that focuses on pressing social and environmental challenges.
- Fresh Source Capital - an investment firm focused on sustainable food and agriculture.
- Iroquois Valley Farms LLC- food and farmland company making impact investments in local and organic agriculture.
- Kendall Investments- investment firm who focuses on sustainable infrastructure investment.
- The Lyme Timber Company- focuses on the acquisition and sustainable management of land.
- Seamans Capital Management- investment manager with a mission to help endowments, foundations, pensions, and individuals achieve financial stability through risk-mitigated wealth accumulation and preservation.
- Vision Ridge Partners- sustainable investing in a resource constrained world.