IEN Net Zero Initiative Quarterly Call | March 29, 2023 | 1:30 PM ET

March 29, 2023

IEN convenes and supports endowments in learning about Net Zero Portfolios, making commitments, and participating in shareholder engagement efforts to get portfolio companies onto decarbonization pathways aligned with the 1.5 degree C warming target of the Paris Climate Agreement.  

If you or your organization would like to learn more or participate in this initiative, please contact Georges Dyer at [email protected]

IEN Initiative calls are only open to IEN Members. Interested organizations and individuals should contact Georges Dyer at [email protected] for more information, to get involved, or with any questions.

This conversation explored ways to avoid greenwashing in Net Zero commitments with a real estate decarbonization focus, including practical steps on how to implement a Net Zero policy. 


  • Madeline Clark, Associate Investment Director, Cambridge Associates
  • Kate Murray, Director, Impact Strategy & Measurement, TAS
  • Wendy Cromwell, Vice Chair and Head of Sustainable Investment, Wellington Management


About the Net Zero Initiative

Net Zero Portfolios are an effective and powerful way for investors to reduce risks associated with climate change and the transition to a low-carbon economy.  They also accelerate corporate climate action to reduce systemic risk for all investors and to protect current and future generations from climate impacts. 

A commitment to Net Zero means committing to transition the investment portfolio to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 consistent with a maximum temperature rise of 1.5°C above pre-industrial temperatures, taking into account the best available scientific knowledge including the findings of the IPCC, and regularly reporting on progress, including establishing intermediate targets every five years in line with Paris Agreement Article 4.9. 


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