The following draft agenda is subject to change based on feedback from invited participants. To provide your feedback, please email responses to the following questions to [email protected]:
- What are your burning questions on this topic?
- What, if any, unique information or expertise might you have to contribute to this conversation? (none is required, we just want to have a sense of the expertise in the room)
- Please complete this sentence: “This meeting will be successful if at its conclusion I…”
Saturday, February 21
9:00 AM Registration opens
10:00 AM Welcome Remarks
10:15 AM Keynote Address
10:45 AM Context Setting and Dialogue Session
11:10 AM BREAK
11:20 AM Panel: Bringing the Whole Campus Into the Conversation
- Moderators: Marcie Smith, Executive Director, Responsible Endowments Coalition and Barbara Simonetti, Conversation Architect, Intentional Endowments Network
- Alice DonnaSelva, Consultant, Prime Buchholz and Associates
- Stephen Mulkey, President, Unity College
- Marija Tesla, Trustee, Mount Holyoke College
12:00 PM Lunch Keynote
12:30 PM Dialogue over lunch: Your Campus Conversation
1:00 PM Panel: Sustainable Investing - Background, Tools, and Obstacles
1:45 PM Dialogue Session
3:15 PM Panel: Investing in Solutions
4:15 PM Action Planning
5:30 PM Closing Remarks and Next Steps
6:00 - 7:30 PM Networking reception