Nick Angeramo published Webinar - Equity Climate Investing in Past Webinars 2021-10-27 18:36:25 -0400
IEN Webinar - Equity Investing in Climate Solutions
Date: May 5, 2021, 1-2pm ET
Our world is facing the greatest environmental challenges in human history that will disproportionately impact vulnerable and marginalized groups. These challenges provide significant long-term investment opportunities. This panel on climate solutions will address the challenges, but more importantly the investment opportunities presented by climate change, clean water access, air pollution and pandemics - and why doing so is essential for improving social equity and racial justice.
This panel of experts includes public and private equity investment professionals focused on environmental investing for positive social impact, as well as impact consultants supporting asset owners in investing for a stable climate.
Panelists will address the catalysts for action, the opportunities present in thematic investing, impact management, as well as investment objectives and processes.
It is time to move the needle from climate risk assessment to investing for climate action.
- Webinar Slides (open/download as PDF)
- Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance slide deck (PDF)
- Diversity VC
- Greening the Brown Space
- Papers from Cambridge Associates:
- Sustainable and Impact Investing 2020: Insights and Perspectives
- Pathways to Sustainable Investing: Insights from Families and Peers
- Risks and Opportunities From the Changing Climate: Playbook for the Truly Long-Term Investor
- Cleantech Company Performance Statistics
- The Materiality of Sustainability for Investors
- A Summary of Climate Change Science for Investors
- Elke Pfeiffer, Senior Project Manager at the UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, PRI
- Temple Fennell, Clean Energy Ventures
- Liqian Ma, Cambridge Associates
- Bill Page, Essex Investment Management
Nick Angeramo published Congratulations to Board Member Dianne Dillon-Ridgley in Blog 2021-03-15 14:01:56 -0400
Congratulations to Board Member Dianne Dillon-Ridgley
We are so proud to share two well-deserved recognitions of achievement for our Board Member, Dianne Dillon-Ridgley.
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