Many, but not all, endowments work with an investment consultant, who may have full or partial discretion over investment decision making. Though your particular consultant may not have expertise in aligning your endowment with your institution's mission, it is likely that there is a group at the consultant's firm that is dedicated to developing expertise in this area.
IEN's List of Investment Consultants with Expertise in Responsible Investing
- The Intentional Endowments Network has become aware of these consultants through members of our network and other connections. The spreadsheet is in beta mode with information being completed as researched and updates being made as we are become aware of consultants with these expertise.
ValueAdvisor - a vetted database of values-aligned financial professionals.
- IEN partnered with ValuesAdvisor to offer it members – a free subscription to ValuesAdvisor, the only non-profit platform offering investors the opportunity to search for an experienced values-based investment advisor
PRI's Investment Consulting Services Review, December 2017
- Surveys the state of ESG integration in investment consultant practice, defines barriers and suggests pathways toward greater knowledge and practice among investment consultants
Hiring an Investment Consultant: Making Your ESG Intention Actionable Intentional Endowments Network, August 2018
- Describes the steps leading up to and through the search process for an investment consultant that will be an active partner in helping an institution align the endowment with mission. Includes RFI and RFP questions
Tips for Charitable Organizations to Consider When Hiring Consultants l Reinhart Attorneys at Law, August, 2016
- Outlines considerations for clarifying mission and goals, offers RFP questions and contract considerations.
Inclusive Investment Practices: Survey for Investment Consultants | Diverse Asset Manager Initiative, 2020
- A sample list of questions to ask your investment consultants on their inclusive practices.
Annual Investment Consultant Survey | Diverse Asset Manager Initiative, 2020
- A visual representation of the 2020 survey results of diversity within America’s top investment consulting firms.