Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) Initiative

The JEDI initiative was formed through a collaboration between IEN and the HBCU Green Fund, with the aim of enhancing endowment investment decision-making in higher education by incorporating Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) factors. The initiative is composed of senior leaders from various sectors, including higher education, the investment industry, foundations, and non-profit partners who seek to leverage their networks and expertise for cross-sector collaboration to champion diversity in endowment investment decision-making.

JEDI Initiative Goals

This initiative aims to start the education and advocacy process to integrate JEDI factors into the investment process of endowments by:

  1. Promoting Diversity: We ensure deliberate exclusion or implicit bias based on race, ethnicity, or gender does not occur within university investment offices. Our focus is on enhancing diversity and inclusivity within these offices.

  2. Performance Evaluation: We assess the diversity, equity, and inclusion aspects of companies and funds in terms of their boards, management, and staff. Through engagement with these entities, we work towards improving these areas.

  3. Diverse-Led Investment Managers: Our goal is to identify and support investment managers from minority backgrounds, thereby fostering diversity and inclusion within the industry.

  4. Impactful Investments: We prioritize investments that generate positive outcomes for women, low-income communities, and communities of color, aiming to address economic disparities and promote social equity.

  5. Talent Pipeline: We are dedicated to supporting the finance and investment education of diverse students, creating a pipeline of talented individuals who will contribute to the industry's diversity and future success.

Get Involved

Interested in joining the Initiative, please email [email protected]

Join the JEDI listserv or post to this group by sending an email to [email protected]

Want to sponsor the JEDI Initiative? Email [email protected]



Initiative Sponsors





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